View Artwork of Carol Heiman-Greene

She grew up in the suburbs of Los Angeles, so the fact that Carol grew up loving wildlife so much is a mystery to some. “From an early age I loved animals, and that has stayed with me and given me direction in my career as an artist.”
Although Carol drew as a child, she had little to no formal training in art until she went to college. There, a whole new world opened for her when she found out that she could possibly earn a living from something she loved. Majoring in illustration gave her a solid background in drawing, painting, composition, and rendering, which are the perfect tools for creating her wildlife images.
Carol worked for several years as a freelance illustrator, but her joy has always been in the painting, and when illustration started moving towards the computer, she made the decision to start over again in the fine art world. The transition has been a success, and Carol’s paintings and reproductions are in private collections throughout the world.