Bob, Robin, and Steve are combining the Gallery’s birthday party with an excellent fundraiser to benefit the Red Lodge City Pool. The goal is to raise funds which will go directly to the purchase of a handicap chair life for the pool. This lift will be for both adults and children who need assistance getting in and out of the pool.
Brenna Tyler, world renown artist will unveil her latest masterpiece on Saturday, June 21st. In addition, the amazing sculpture “Clutch” by Brenna will be available for bid in the silent auction. “Clutch” is valued at $3,495. Jerry Inman will also be on hand and has a beautiful original painting available for bid in the silent auction as well. “Above Parkside” is valued at $500. All proceeds from both of these works of art will go directly to the purchase of the pool chair lift. All donations are tax deductible.
In addition to the silent auction there will be a raffle. All proceeds from the raffle will also go to the fundraising efforts.
There will be free food, drink, and beautiful art on both Friday and Saturday, June 20-21, 2014 at the Gallery.
Join Bob, Robin, and Steve for this fun and artful event in Red Lodge, Montana.