Amor de Caballos Horsehair Basket by Jane Chavez – Side view

Amor de Caballos Horsehair Basket by Jane Chavez – Top View

Amor de Caballos – Horsehair Basket – Bottom View
Amor de Caballos (Love of Horses)
Round 5 ½” x 3”
Black horsehair, hand stamped sterling silver bottom, red synthetic sinew, white seed beads and nickel base metal silver colored hearts
I have always loved horses as far back as I can remember. I can remember my first picture on a horse, a pony with a western saddle and me sitting on top of him with my cowboy hat. I remember riding bareback from 6 years old to about 13 in the summer in Colorado. I can remember with fondness 7 years of riding lessons on a horse called Mischief .
When I was a junior in high school I finally got my first horse- Jackson. We were inseparable for 15 years. I then had a dapple grey quarter horse named Chester, and after that a big black thoroughbred named Tizon. Presently I have two very sweet horses, one is named Call, a Swedish warmblood and the other is named Lightning, a Heinz 57 cross.
It is just a blessing to have horses in my life even if I never got to ride them, I would still love being around them. I guess that is what you might call a “Love of Horses”.