Cedar Dreams by Christine McKay – 17″H $1995
CEDAR DREAMS – The amazing Native masks of the Pacific Northwest had the strongest influence during my formative years. Being raised north of Seattle, the Northwest lore filtered throughout art and architecture. I spent long hours in the forests around our home. It’s no stretch to imagine the faces ancient people would see in the filtered light and mists of those forests. This sculpture represents my own interpretation of northwestern imagery – my own whimsy and nostalgia for those silent forested moments. I had some Pacific Coast cedar bark sent to me to be included in the hair piece. Cedar bark was used to create clothing, baskets, blankets, etc. It is one of my most cherished scents – a rush of childhood memories, sitting at the base of ancient cedar trees, rain dripping through my hair, Raven calling in the mist…
Size: 17” Base: 6×12”
Attachments: Cedar bark, turquoise, Serpentinite earrings, Ocean Wave Jasper pendant, hemp twine
Price: $ 1995