Chouteau & Co Man by Tom Saubert – 10″ x 8″ – Oil on canvas
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Top Western Artist at Beartooth Gallery Fine Art in Red Lodge MT
Chouteau & Co Man by Tom Saubert – 10″ x 8″ – Oil on canvas
Winter Thunder by Tom Saubert – 11″ x 14″ – Oil on canvas
Ride-N-Shoot by Echo Ukrainetz
Flathead by Ron Ukrainetz 36″ x 20″ Engraved Clayboard
Summer Horizon by Colt Idol 18″ x 18″
Bison Glow by Colt Idol – 20″ x 20″
Drugstore Cowboys – Batik by Echo Ukrainetz 31″ x 34″
Following the Light by Brent Flory – 30″ x 40″ – Oil on board
The Crossing by Brent Flory – 30″ x 40″ Oil on board
Breakfast in the Beartooths by John Gawne – 36″ x 40″ – Oil on linen
This was a sunrise along the eastern edge of Yellowstone Country- land that was part of the Crow Indians area. When summer comes to the high country I could just imagine Crow warriors on patrol, starting out at first light before the sun is even up- to cover lots of miles, before breakfast-taking advantage of the long summer days…
It’s an adventure I look forward to myself each summer- exploring the high country around Yellowstone- it never gets old – John Gawne
Located in the charming mountain town of Red Lodge, Montana, Robin, Steve, and Bob, owners of Beartooth Gallery Fine Art, are proud to offer you an excellent selection of artists. Most of our artists live in Montana and are truly inspired by the history, culture, and beauty of this diverse location……
Daily 10 am - 7 pm
Other times by appointment - Call Steve Galloway at (406) 425-0846