“Hunter Horse” (Saamit Ponokaomitaa) 24″ x 28″ Batiks by Echo Ekraintz
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Top Western Artist at Beartooth Gallery Fine Art in Red Lodge MT
“Hunter Horse” (Saamit Ponokaomitaa) 24″ x 28″ Batiks by Echo Ekraintz
“Sitting Bull” 24″ x 22″ Batik
A Watchful Eye – 12″ x 12″ – Oil on Wood Cradle
Featuring World Famous Western Artists
Meet these talented artists
FRIDAY and SATURDAY, May 23rd & May 24th, 2014
for an evening of FREE FOOD, DRINKS and
New Works of Art
5pm-9pm each night.
Bob, Robin, and Steve
Beartooth Gallery Fine Art
110 South Broadway Avenue
Red Lodge, MT 59068
(406) 446-1292
Located in the charming mountain town of Red Lodge, Montana, Robin, Steve, and Bob, owners of Beartooth Gallery Fine Art, are proud to offer you an excellent selection of artists. Most of our artists live in Montana and are truly inspired by the history, culture, and beauty of this diverse location……
Daily 10 am - 7 pm
Other times by appointment - Call Steve Galloway at (406) 425-0846