Dolly by Linda St. Clair – 14″ x 11″ Oil
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Top Western Artist at Beartooth Gallery Fine Art in Red Lodge MT
Dolly by Linda St. Clair – 14″ x 11″ Oil
Horse by Linda St. Clair – 36″ x 60″ – Gallery wrap with a floater frame
A Watchful Eye by Linda St. Clair – 12″ x 12″ – Oil on wooden cradle
Christine McKay at the Beartooth Gallery Fine Art in Red Lodge, August 16, 2014
Spring’s Daughter by Christine McKay 66″ H (Sectional Sculpture)
SPRING’S DAUGHTER – Persian Ishtar, Ionian Io, Saxon Eostre, Mycenaean Demeter, Hindu Saranyu – all aspects of the global Great Goddess, bringer of life (and the ultimate taker of life). Caretaker of the Earth and the myriad creatures. Here is a composite of the goddess figures, largely representing North American animal forms with the Magpies, Ravens, Foxes. Owl (in the headdress) and the open Orb at the top represent the Moon, sacred to the old goddesses. The Loon and her tiny babes swim in reeded bowl which reflects the blue of the Heavens. Along the bottom section, women quietly weave, gather, and connect to the world around them, honoring ancient responsibilities to the Earth.
Size: 66” height (5’ 6”) Base: 11×11” (sectional sculpture)
Attachments: Coral Pendant, turquoise, reed, saggar fired beads, hemp twine
Price: $ 4495
In The Pryor Sun II by Ryan Brown 48″ x 30″ Acrylic on canvas
Nestled In by Joe Kronenberg – 12″ x 16″ Oil
Intense by Joe Kronenberg 14″ x 11″ Oil
Upper Basin Falls by Jerry Inman – 30″ x 24″ Oil on linen
Located in the charming mountain town of Red Lodge, Montana, Robin, Steve, and Bob, owners of Beartooth Gallery Fine Art, are proud to offer you an excellent selection of artists. Most of our artists live in Montana and are truly inspired by the history, culture, and beauty of this diverse location……
Daily 10 am - 7 pm
Other times by appointment - Call Steve Galloway at (406) 425-0846