These Hooves Are Made For Workin 11″ x 14″ Acrylic by Fiona Purdy
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Top Western Artist at Beartooth Gallery Fine Art in Red Lodge MT
These Hooves Are Made For Workin 11″ x 14″ Acrylic by Fiona Purdy
Ghost Riders: High Fidelity 30″ x 40″ Acrylic on Canvas by Ryan Brown
Who Are You 16″ x 20″ Acrylic by Fiona Purdy
Who’s that out there 16″ x 20″ Acrylic by Fiona Purdy
Like Mother Like Daughter 18″ x 24″ Acrylic by Fiona Purdy
When I saw this beautiful little paint filly’s amazing coat and cute little face and her equally beautiful mother, I just had to paint them. I relished the challenge of capturing the intricacies of the pattern of the baby’s coat. I also loved portraying the gentleness and love that the mare is showing for her gorgeous little foal. The border contains authentic Navajo blanket design elements, which support their western history and accentuates their coat color.
Breaking Through by Fiona Purdy 36″ x 24″ Acrylic
Strength, power, personality plus. He is indeed breaking through and charging right off the canvas towards the viewer! Based on a real stallion the length of his mane & forelock is the real thing! I really enjoyed painting his swirling hair and wide-open nostrils. Can’t you just hear him snorting? The border complements and accentuates his strength & pure vitality.
Ole Blue Tongue by Christine McKay **SOLD**
I remembered the blue tongue of Willy the Grizzly who was part of a friend’s exotic family (jaguars, pumas, wolves, etc.) in Utah. One day as I came to his cage, he and I placed enormous paw against small hand. Then he slimed my face with his long blue tongue. So soft and quite bear-breathy but a sweet moment. He was a gentle giant and appeared in the movie, “Jeremiah Johnson.” Remember the “Griz” who chased the old Mountain Man into his cabin? That was Willy. He wore a special saddle. Was quite a sight watching my friend and Willy lope across the mountain meadows…
Midnight Dreamer by Micqaela Jones 10″ x 24″ $995
Painted Ponies by Micqaela Jones 20″ x 20″ $1595
Fire Wolf by Micqaela Jones – 24″ x 30″
Located in the charming mountain town of Red Lodge, Montana, Robin, Steve, and Bob, owners of Beartooth Gallery Fine Art, are proud to offer you an excellent selection of artists. Most of our artists live in Montana and are truly inspired by the history, culture, and beauty of this diverse location……
Daily 10 am - 7 pm
Other times by appointment - Call Steve Galloway at (406) 425-0846