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Top Western Artist at Beartooth Gallery Fine Art in Red Lodge MT
WINGS OF FURY (life-size eagle in flight) 54" Long, 25" Wide, 10" Deep, Edition 25, 3 APWings of Fury - Detail ViewBEARLY AWARE (Bear) 8” High, 8” Wide Edition 40, 3 APESCAPE - 20" High, 48" Long, 18" Deep - Edition 12, 2 APDOUBLE TROUBLE - 12" High, 9" Long, 5 1/2" Wide - Edition 25, 3 APGRAY HAWK - Time Of The Buffalo - 19"High, 17"Wide, 12"Deep - Edition 20, 2 APCOUP PONIES - 36”High, 26”Wide, 24”Deep, Edition 33Message to Sky Father - Edition 20, 2 AP - Life-size torso on black walnut pedestal 6’8” High, 3’ 10” Wide, 2’ DeepMessage to the Sky Father - Detail viewHuckleberry Daze - Edition 15, 1AP - Life-size Grizzly Bear, 5 ½’ High, 4 ¾’ Wide, 4’DeepBROKEN PROMISES (Native American with Jefferson Peace Medal) 60”h, 23”w, 24”d, ED. 20, 2APWorking the Line - Edition 10, 1AP Mountain Man, 8 ½ ’ H, 6 ½’ W, 4’ DCOURTSHIP (Native American flute player & maiden) 33"High, 13"Wide, 13" Deep, Edition 18, 2 AP
Located in the charming mountain town of Red Lodge, Montana, Robin, Steve, and Bob, owners of Beartooth Gallery Fine Art, are proud to offer you an excellent selection of artists. Most of our artists live in Montana and are truly inspired by the history, culture, and beauty of this diverse location……
Daily 10 am - 7 pm
Other times by appointment - Call Steve Galloway at (406) 425-0846